Wellness Support Network

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The Dangers of Microwaving Your Food!

The Microwave oven is a standard feature in just about every household today. It is as common as the TV, and there are dozens of microwave cookbooks available in any bookshop.

Unfortunately, the more this kitchen tool is looked into, the more it becomes clear they are unsafe and a threat to your health and the health of your family, as can be seen from the following:

"Heating food in a microwave oven is very convenient but recent studies have shown that it may not only impact the nutrition of the food, it also may be dangerous to those who eat the food."

"According to an announcement about infant bottles from the University of Minnesota in 1989 "Heating the bottle in a microwave can cause slight changes in the milk. In infant formulas, there may be a loss of some vitamins."

"According to research, cooking food in a microwave may alter the physical make up of the food. It is known that the irradiation process breaks up the molecular structure of food and creates a whole new set of chemicals. These chemicals include benzene [Definition: chemical used in making insecticides and motor fuels], formaldehyde [Definition: fluid used for preserving dead bodies] and a host of known mutagens [Definition: substances that increases the rate of cell mutation] and carcinogens [Definition: cancer causing substances]."

"A study performed by Dr. Hans Hertel of Switzerland found that food prepared in microwave ovens not only altered the food, it also altered the blood chemistry of those eating it."

"Microwaving food in plastic containers runs the additional risk of the food absorbing dangerous chemicals released when the plastic is bombarded and heated by radiation."

Dr. J. D. Decuypere

How bad can using a microwave oven actually be? Have you seen anyone eat microwave food and fall down dead? Probably not, but take a really good look at the pictures below of a young girl’s science project, that showed what happened to water that was boiled using a microwave:

Below is a 2006 Science Fair project done by a young girl. As part of the project she took filtered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave.

She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water might be changed by the microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.

Let me tell you, until I saw these photos, I wouldn't have believed this kind of information. The facts speak plainly for themselves in these pictures. You have got to look at them! Click on the link below:

Microwaved Water Experiment

If microwaved water can create this type of an effect on a living plant, what is it doing to the food you eat, and how are these foods affecting your body in the long run? Scary!


(Article from Newsletter Issue 17)

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